FBrushes Terms and Conditions

When uploading

1. Upload only your own work.
2. Do not upload graphics you don't want others to use it.
3. Your brush / texture / pattern will be promoting you, write decent description and check that your website URL is correct.

When downloading

1. Respect licenses.
2. Attribute credit to the creator of the artwork you are using when the license requires it.
3. Do not attribute to yourself artworks that you haven't created, act in good faith.


When using FBrushes designs

FBrushes is only owner of its own designs (those with FBrushes as designer), any other artwork or logos are property and trademarks of their respective owners. FBrushes is not responsible of the use that users give to the uploaded material. If there is any content in this site that infringed your copyrights please let us know. We will investigate and if it corresponds, we will remove the material.